Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Maybe We Can Try Again - Compelling Video for #SuicidePrevention

A compelling video with an awesome beat and powerful lyrics. The video is about reaching out to help with the goal of preventing suicide. 
The artist, SEEIN, in response as to why he wrote this song: "because at one point in my life I was depressed, I've been there. There are great resources out there and I want people to be aware of them Life is worht living, live!"
I applaud his efforts. PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO, YOU COULD BE SAVING SOMEONE'S LIFE. #SuicidePrevention

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Place Your Hand Over Your Heart. Feel that? That's Called PURPOSE.

I’m often asked how I’m able to continue living after I lost my son to suicide. Followed by the occasional, “I couldn’t go on living.”

The only thing I can say to that is, it hasn’t been easy, but I manage, because no matter what Danny was not my only son, and reason for living. I have other reasons for living, a wonderful son, Manny, a beautiful grandson, Xavior, a sweet daughter-in-law Lucy, a great boyfriend and family that is super supportive; and because no matter what, I’m a survivor and I owe it to Danny to live the life that he couldn't.  

Besides, I know there are people in this world that have experienced a loss that would be unimaginable to most of us (including myself). I have personally met parents that have lost not one child, but two children to suicide. I consider myself lucky in comparison, and simply choose, each and every day, to fight for life and reject the urge to crawl into bed and let life pass me by.

Marisol Martinez, Danny Martinez' Mom
September 8, 1985 - May 7, 2012
Wherever I May Roam, Strumming Away for Suicide Awareness
AFSP Out of the Darkness Community Walk Chair
AFSP Volunteer Field Advocate

"Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light" ~ Norman B. Rice ~

Wednesday, July 17, 2013



For this year's Broward Out of the Darkness Community Walk, to commemorate those lives lost to suicide, I want everyone to bring a pair of shoes to the Broward Out of the Darkness Walk. The shoes should represent people from every walk of life, military, children, teens, women, men, working boots, men's dress shoes, women's high heels, gym shoes, sandals, slippers, house shoes, etc.

 I seek to accomplish several things with this exhibit, I want the shoes to represent our loss, our grief, our struggles, and our mission to prevent suicide:

  • First & foremost, we can STOP SUICIDE IN ITS TRACKS, and this exhibit will help bring attention to those lost to suicide.
  • Secondly, for those left behind, know that YOU NEVER WALK ALONE, for together we will walk this path side-by-side, and we will greif, heal and make a difference in someone's life.
  • Thirdly, for those who suffer from suicide ideation, I want you to know that HEALING IS A STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS, and we are here to hold your hand, and listen, and show you that we care for you.
  • Lastly, and certainly so very heartbreaking, these EMPTY SHOES represent our loved ones who will never be forgotten. May their memories and names live forever in all our hearts, and may we never forget them.
 After the Walk, those shoes left behind will be donated to a charitable organization.
To register for the walk please visit the Broward Out of the Darkness Walk event page.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Power of the People!

I'm excited to report that our trip to Capitol Hill on Jun 17 proved to be quite successful! Hundreds of AFSP Volunteer Field Advocates descended on Capitol Hill during the 2013 Advocacy Forum on Suicide Prevention, Education and Research to speak to our elected members of congress about the issues of suicide, how it impacts the countliess lifes of their
constituents and how they might be able to help us prevent suicide. 
It is with great joy that I report that last week the Senate approved an additional $15 million for the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS). In order to design effective suicide prevention strategies, we must first have complete, accurate and timely information about deaths by suicide. NVDRS provides this information, which is essential to improve state & federal suicide prevention activities. Current funding of $3.5 million allows only 18 states to participate in this program. This increase in funding will make a huge difference!
Thank you to our elected officials for their support in our efforts to prevent of suicide!

What Color Honor Bead Will You Be Wearing?

As part of the Broward Out of the Darkness walk we wear what are called Honor Beads which to the average person they are Mardi Gras beads but to a walker they have much more meaning.  For many of us who volunteer or walk, the walk is a journey of remembrance where we acknowledge the ways suicide, depression, and mental illness have affected our lives and our loved ones.

The different color honor beads recognize your personal connection to the cause and help you to connect with others who know just how you feel. Honor beads are distributed before the walk and are part of the Opening Ceremony. The colors and what they signify are as follows:
  • Lost a Child: White
  • Lost a Sibling: Orange
  • Lost a Spouse or Partner: Red
  • Lost a Parent: Gold/Yellow
  • Lost a Relative or Friend: Purple 
  • Lost First Responder/Military: Silver 
  • Struggled Personally: Green 
  • Support the Cause: Blue 
  • LGBT: Rainbow
  • Supporting a Loved one Affected by Mental Illness – Light Blue
What Color bead will you be wearing?

Register to walk during the Broward Out of the Darkness Community Walk at Nova Southeastern University.

For more information please feel free to email me.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Walk to Prevent Suicide

By walking in the Broward Out of the Darkness Community Walks, you will be walking with thousands of other walkers nationwide to raise money for AFSP's vital research and education programs to prevent suicide and save lives, increase national awareness about depression and suicide, and provide support for survivors of suicide loss. In deciding to walk you are taking us a step closer to making suicide prevention a national priority.

To register for this event please visit our event page and Register Now! Once you have registered you will have your own personal fundraising page to help you with your fundraising efforts as well as watch your progress!
Good luck!
Marisol Martinez
Broward Out of the Darkness Chair

Register to Walk to Prevent Suicide